Our generalized training programs and templates are a great cost effective option for those who are looking for the right exercise program for their goals. If you’re curious about our training philosophy behind our programs, read this. If you’re looking for a custom program, check out our coaching options here.

Prospect is our FREE 12 week entry level training program that is designed from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans established by the US Dept of Health and Human Services.
This program requires zero equipment and is made for those with little to no experience with formal exercise.
If you’re not sure where to start, then start with PROSPECT!
Click the link to download the free training program.

The Evansville Police Department Foundation SWAT Challenge is an urban 5k held every year in May in downtown Evansville, IN. In 2019, we provided a series of posts outlining a free eight week training program to prepare for the event.
You could use this program to train for a similar event (5K, Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, etc) or just for a fun way to incorporate different types of training, all in one program!
The series we wrote includes everything you need: a description of the event, the methodology behind the training, the training program itself, videos of the exercises, and more. We hope you enjoy it!
SWAT Challenge / 5K Obstacle Course Training Series
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 – Race Week
8 Week Endurance/Academy Prep Training

Cadet is an eight week training program that consists of two days of barbell strength training and three days of conditioning and accessory work, designed specifically for those who are seeking to improve performance for a standardized fitness assessment.
The program is built around the following fitness tests:
-Standing Vertical Jump
-Maximum Pushups
-Maximum Situps
-Maximum Pullups
-300m-400m Run
-1.5 Mile Run
-3.0 Mile Run
This program is perfect for those who are seeking acceptance to or are currently enrolled in a Police/Fire Academy or Military Basic Training.
This program is also great for strength athletes who want to maintain their strength while focusing on improving their endurance.
Click Buy Now to purchase CADET 1.0. Programs are delivered via email.
12 Week Beginner Barbell Strength Program $19.99

ROOKIE is our beginner barbell strength program, and is designed for individuals who are new to barbell training OR experienced trainees coming back from an extended layoff.
This program consists of three days per week strength training using the barbell lifts, and gradually introduces up to two days per week of conditioning and accessory work.
If you want a basic barbell program that gets you stronger while also improving your conditioning, then this is the program for you.
Click Buy Now to purchase ROOKIE – Barbell Strength. Programs are delivered via email.
12 Week Prep for EPD SWAT General Fitness Assessment

The Evansville Police Department SWAT team has two physical assessments: a general one and a specific one.
This program is specifically designed to prepare an individual for the general fitness assessment, which tests a one rep max deadlift, a one rep max standing shoulder press, pullups for maximum repetitions, and an 800 meter run.
This program consists of three days per week of strength training and two to three days per week of conditioning.
This program is great for those who wish to prioritize their deadlift and shoulder press strength.
Click Buy Now to purchase SWAT GFA 2.0. Programs are delivered via email.
12 Week Strength – Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press (1.0)

This 12 Week Strength program is designed to improve maximal strength development in the deadlift, the squat, and the standing overhead press.
Like all of our other programs, this program is also comprehensive and meets with Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans with respect to conditioning and strength training.
This program involves three days per week of strength training and three days per week of conditioning.
Click Buy Now to purchase this program. Programs are delivered via email.
12 Week Strength, Conditioning, Calisthenics, and Strongman WOD Program

Operator has it all. Strength training? Check! “High Speed” Sprint work conditioning? Check! Calisthenics for athleticism? Check! A weekly one day strongman wod? Check!
Operator is for those who want an absolutely comprehensive program that prioritizes ALL types of physical development.
This program involves three days per week of strength training (prioritizing the deadlift, squat, overhead press), two days per week of conditioning (prioritizing the 1.5 mile run) and calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups, pullups), and one day per week of a Strongman type WOD (“workout of the day”).
Click Buy Now to purchase this program. Programs are delivered via email.