
The Mission of Shield Training Systems is to provide clear, practical, and sound fitness content and education.

Clear (adj.) – easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.

     The human body is a very complex organism, and the concept of “fitness” is vast and diverse. The amount of information available is staggering and can leave one feeling overwhelmed. Our aim is to distill down the information and provide you with information that you can easily understand and implement. 

Practical (adj.) – likely to succeed in real circumstances; feasible.

     The best training program for you is the one that aligns with your fitness goals,  is appropriate for your current fitness level, and is compatible with your schedule. You’ll find no snake oil here. You’re not going to achieve Olympian level fitness with pedestrian level discipline. Results require effort. However, it doesn’t take an unrealistic amount of dedication and sacrifice to improve strength, conditioning, and quality of life. We provide realistic fitness content for real people who want real results. 

Sound (adj.) – competent; reliable; based on reason, sense, or judgement.

     A quick google search of “fitness advice” yields about 700 million results. That is quite a lot of information to chew on, and if you look long enough you will find supporting and opposing arguments for nearly every possible topic out there. This makes determining what is actually good advice nearly impossible for the casual observer. We separate the wheat from the chaff by drawing from our own education and experience and looking to other industry leaders to provide you with the highest quality information. 

Shield Training Systems provides coaching and education for the development of general strength, conditioning, and fitness. However, with education and experience in both strength and conditioning and law enforcement/special operations, we also provide specialized fitness content and education for first responders, military, and other public safety personnel.