Comp Squat:
Comp Press:
Feet Up Bench:
Sumo Dead:
Comp Bench:
530 High Bar:
135×8 x 3 sets
Chinups x 15 x 1 set
Ab Wheel x 30 x 1 set
Knee Raise x 15 x 1 set
Assault Bike LISS x 30 minutes (10.2 Miles)
530 Squat (no belt):
Press (no belt):
TnG Bench:
First workout in the garage gym. I already love it.
RDL (no belt):
2ct Pause Press (no belt):
Barbell Row (no belt):
Low stress week complete. Next week i’ll start another five week development block that will be similar to the last block (press focus). This coming block should be better since I won’t be going out of town at all, I won’t have the insane Saturday HIIT sessions (tomorrow is the last one), and I’ll be in my own gym. For this past block, the wheels started falling off during week five despite really good progress the first four weeks. I’m not sure if this is due to one of the confounding variables mentioned above, or if four weeks was the right block length and five was too many (TTP, and all). I’ll be thinking about this during the next block.
Last day for the SWAT Challenge HIIT workouts @ Hard HIIT. The Challenge is next weekend. These were fun, but I’m glad they’re done. I’m not really convinced that they were bad for my strength goals, but I know they weren’t good for them. One positive out of them is that it really drove home the utility of being strong and having a baseline level of conditioning and work capacity. I never had any trouble finishing the workouts, and was usually in the “front of the pack”, so to speak.
BW: 174.8
Round 1:
Squat Jump/Burpee Ladder
x 1/4 mile run
Round 2:
Pullup/KB Thruster Ladder
x 1/4 mile run
Round 3:
KB Sumo Squat to High Pull/Lateral Hand Walks over Bench Ladder
x 1/4 mile run
Round 4:
1000m Row
x 25 battling rope slams
x 50 battling rope jumping jacks
Round 5:
MB Russian Twist x 20
Mountain Climber x 20
–3 sets each–
x 1/4 mile run
Round 6:
Sprint 2 Flights of Stairs x 5 sets
Took about 33 minutes.
Author: admin
SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 7

Welcome back for Week 7 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 7!
Week 7 – The Program
Week 7 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20
2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
4-Get Ups x 8
5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 6 rounds
Week 7 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 35 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
Week 7 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10
6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 6 rounds
Week 7 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 7 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 13 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 6 to Week 7 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week. You will notice that for the strength movements volume has decreased, and for the circuits/conditioning, volume has increased. Since we are getting closer to the challenge, the training will get more specific each week. There are also no new exercises this week.
Happy Training, Folks!

Thanks for checking out Week 7 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Training Log 04/14/19 – 04/20/19
Comp Squat:
305×5 x 5 sets
Comp Press:
170×1@9.5…if you press forward out of the bottom…you’re gonna have a bad time.
140×4 x 5 sets
Close Grip Incline Bench (No Belt):
130×10 x 2 sets
Barbell Bicep Curl:
45×15 x 3 sets
Standing Calf Raise:
120×15 x 3 sets
Sumo Deadlift:
295×5 x 5 sets
*Hip was bugging me today. Stayed conservative.
Comp Bench:
200×5 x 5 sets
High Bar Squat (no belt):
135×10 x 5 sets
*Hip got progressively better with each set.
Last week of this development phase before a low stress week. I think it’s coming just in time.
9min Assisted (Red Band) Chins:
10,10,10,8,8,8,6,6,6,6 [78]
9min Abs:
Ab Wheel x10/ Knee Raise x5 x 8 Rounds
Assault Bike LISS x 30 minutes (10.2 miles)
BW: 175.8
2ct Pause Squat (no belt):
255×4 x 2 sets
Pin Press @ Shoulders (no belt):
120×4 x 2 sets
Press (No Belt):
80×10 x 2 sets
Sumo Block Pull (no belt):
295×4 x 2 sets
Comp Press:
125×4 x 2 sets
Back Raise:
BW x 25 x 3 sets
SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 6

Welcome back for Week 6 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 6!
Week 6 – The Program
Week 6 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20
2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
4-Get Ups x 8
5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 5 rounds
Week 6 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 30 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
Week 6 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10
6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 5 rounds
Week 6 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 6 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 12 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 5 to Week 6 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week. You will notice that for the strength movements volume has decreased, and for the circuits/conditioning, volume has increased. Since we are getting closer to the challenge, the training will get more specific each week. There are also no new exercises this week.
Happy Training, Folks!

Thanks for checking out Week 6 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Training Log 04/07/19 – 04/13/19
Spent the week out of town for SWAT training, and had to do just a little bit of modification due to equipment limitations. Pretty decent week of training despite shitty equipment and being dog ass tired coming into each training session.
Comp Squat:
300×5 x 5 sets
Comp Press:
135×4 x 5 sets
Dumbbell Close Grip Incline Bench Press:
45s x 10
55s x 10
65s x 10
60s x 10 x 2 sets
BB Bicep Curl:
Standing Calf Raise:
BW x 20 x 3 sets
Comp Deadlift:
330×5 x 2 sets
315×5 x 3 sets
Comp Bench:
215×4 x 5 sets
BW x 10 x 5 sets
BW x 10 x 3 sets
2000m Row
8min Chins:
BW x 5 x 12 sets
Ab Wheel x 20 x 3 sets
Knee Raise x 8 x 3 sets
DB Bicep Curl:
20s x 15 x 3 sets
Standing Calf Raise:
BW x 20 x 3 sets
Incline Treadmill LISS x 30 minutes
2ct Pause Squat (No Belt):
285×4 x 2 sets
Seated Pin Press @ Shoulders:
115×4 x 2 sets
Press (No Belt):
85×10 x 2 sets
Mid Shin Sumo Rack Pull (No Belt):
315×4 x 2 sets
Comp Press:
135×4 x 2 sets
Back Raise:
BW x 25 x 3 sets
BB Bicep Curl:
50 x 20,15,10
Seated Calf Raise:
50 x 10 x 3
Tricep Pushdown:
80 x 20 x 3 sets
40min HIIT @ Hard HIIT
SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 5

Welcome back for Week 5 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 5!
Week 5 – The Program
Week 5 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20
2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
4-Get Ups x 8
5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 4 rounds
Week 5 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 30 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
Week 5 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10
6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 4 rounds
Week 5 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 5 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 11 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 4 to Week 5 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week. You will notice that for the strength movements volume has decreased, and for the circuits/conditioning, volume has increased. Since we are getting closer to the challenge, the training will get more specific each week. There are also no new exercises this week.
Happy Training, Folks!

Thanks for checking out Week 5 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Training Log 03/31/19 – 04/06/19
Monday 04/01/19
Comp Squat:
370×1@9….hips and knees shifted back out of the hole. derp.
285×5 x 5 sets
Comp Press:
135×4 x 5 sets
Close Grip Incline Bench:
Barbell Bicep Curl:
65 x 15,12,10
101 Standing Calf:
100 x 10 x 3 sets
Tuesday 04/02/19
Sumo Deadlift w/ Belt:
325×5 x 5 sets
Comp Bench:
215×4 x 5 sets
BW x 20 x 2 sets
BW x 25 x 1 set
101 Seated Calf Raise:
65 x 10 x 3 sets
Wednesday 04/03/19
8min Chins:
BW x 5 x 11 sets
8min Abs:
Ab Wheel – Knees x 20 x 3 sets
Knee Raise – BW x 8 x 5 sets
Assault Bike LISS x 30 Minutes (9.8 miles)
Thursday 04/04/19
2ct Pause Squat (no belt):
270×4 x 4 sets
Pin Press @ Shoulders (no belt):
135×4 x 4 sets
Close Grip Bench (no belt):
Barbell Bicep Curl:
65×13 x 2 sets
101 Standing Calf:
120 x 10 x 3 sets
Friday 04/05/19
Mid Shin Rack Pull (no belt):
300×4 x 4 sets
Comp Press:
140×4 x 4 sets
Back Raise:
50 x 15 x 4 sets
Bw x 25 x 3 sets
101 Seated Calf:
70 x 10 x 3 sets
Saturday 04/06/19
BW: 176.2
45min HIIT @ Hard HIIT
SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 4

Welcome back for Week 4 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 4!
Week 4 – The Program
Week 4 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 5 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 5 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20
2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
4-Get Ups x 8
5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 4 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 25 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
Week 4 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 5 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 5 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 7 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10
6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 4 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 5 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 10 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 3 to Week 4 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week.
Exercise Demonstrations
Follow the links below for a video demonstration of each new exercise for this week. See previous posts for demonstrations of the other exercises.
Medicine Ball Squat Jump
Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press
Happy Training, Folks!

Thanks for checking out Week 4 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Training Log 03/24/19 – 03/30/19
Monday 3/25/19
Comp Squat:
290×5 x 5 sets
Comp Press:
130×4 x 5 sets
Close Grip Incline Bench:
Barbell Bicep Curl:
55 x 15 x 3 sets
101 Standing Calf Raise:
80 x 10 x 3 sets
Tuesday 3/26/19
Sumo Deadlift:
315×5 x 5 sets
Comp Bench:
210×4 x 5 sets
Dumbbell Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat:
25’s x 10
30’s x 10
35’s x 10
30’s x 10
BW x 20 x 3 sets
101 Seated Calf Raise:
55 x 10 x 3 sets
Wednesday 3/27/19
7min Chinup Density Block:
7,7,7,7,7,6,6,6 [53]
7min Abs Density Block:
Ab Wheel – Knees x 20 x 3 sets
Knee Raise – BW x 8 x 4 sets
Assault Bike LISS x 30 minutes (9.7 miles)
Thursday 03/28/19
BW: 174.6
2ct Pause Squat (no belt):
260×4 x 3 sets
Pin Press @ shoulders (no belt):
130×4 x 3 sets
Close Grip Bench (no belt):
Barbell Bicep Curl:
60 x 15 x 3 sets
101 Standing Calf Raise:
100 x 10 x 3 sets
Friday 03/29/19
Mid Shin Rack Pull (No Belt):
285×4 x 3 sets
Comp Press:
135×4 x 3 sets
Back Raise:
35 x 15 x 4 sets
BW x 20 x 3 sets
101 Seated Calf Raise:
60 x 10 x 3 sets
Saturday 03/30/19
HIIT Session @ Hard HIIT in Town. I’ve been doing these every Saturday to help get the word out for the SWAT Challenge our team holds in May. They are particularly brutal, but they haven’t affected my training at all. I’m actually going to log today’s because I remembered to do so, lol.
6min row for distance – I think I rowed somewhere around 1300m
*1 min rest*
6min of various sprints, crawls, etc (about 20 yards each)
*1 min rest*
10 Burpees – 1 Stair Sprint
8 Burpees – 2 Stair Sprints
6 Burpees – 3 Stair Sprints
4 Burpees – 4 Stair Sprints
*Each sprint is two flights of stairs
*2-3 min rest*
15 DB Thruster – 15 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 15 Situps
12 DB Thruster – 12 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 12 Situps
10 DB Thruster – 10 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 10 Situps
8 DB Thruster – 8 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 8 Situps
6 DB Thruster – 6 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 6 Situps
4 DB Thruster – 4 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 4 Situps
2 DB Thruster – 2 DB Burpee to Pushup to Renegade Row – 2 Situps
**I used 10lb DB’s. This took about 13.5 minutes to complete**
Pure hell. But it’s a fun way for myself and other SWAT team members to interact with the public.
SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 3

Welcome back for Week 3 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 3!
Week 3 – The Program
Week 3 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
2-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
3-Get Ups x 8
4-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
5-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
6-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 3 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 25 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
Week 3 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
6-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 3 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 4 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 9 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 2 to Week 3 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week.
Exercise Demonstrations
Follow the links below for a video demonstration of each new exercise. See previous posts for demonstrations of the other exercises.
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
Goblet Squat
Happy Training, Folks!