Sunday 10/03/2021 BW:181.8 – Incline Treadmill x 30min Assault Bike x 30min – Chinup x 5 x 10 Calf Raise x 20 x 10 Knee Raise x 10 x 5; x 5 x 5 Side Hold x 30s x 10
Monday 10/04/2021 BW: 184.4 – Deadlift: 285x5x5 340×1 360×1 380×1 – Bench: 215x3x8 245×1 260×1 270×1 – Pushups x 25,10,15,10,5 [30s] Biceps x 33lb x 25,15,15,10,10
Tuesday 10/05/2021 BW: 182.2 – High Bar Squat: 262.5x5x5 300×1 325×1 350×1 – Press: 140x3x8 160×1 175×1 – Back Raise x BW x 20 x 5 sets Band Pullaparts x Mini x 20 x 5 Band Tricep x Average x 20 x 5
Wednesday 10/06/2021 BW:182.6 – Incline Treadmill x 30min Assault Bike x 30min – Band (Average) Assisted Pullup x 15,10,8,5,5; BW x 5,5 [30s] Ab Wheel x 30,20,15,15,10,10 [30s] Situps x 10,5,5,5,5,5,8,7 [30s]
Thursday 10/07/2021 BW:182.4 – Pause (@ Knee) Deadlift: 260x5x5 315×1 330×1 345×1 – Close Grip Bench: 215x3x8 240×1 255×1 270×1 – RFESS x BW x 15 x 5 sets 3-Way Shoulder Raise x 10’s x 7 x 5 sets Biceps x 45lb x 10 x 5 sets
Friday 10/08/2021 BW:182.0 – Incline Treadmill x 30min Assault Bike x 22.5min – Knee Raise x 15,10,5,5,5,5,5 Barbell Row x 15reps x 35lb, 55lb, 75lb, 95lb, 95lb, 95lb, 75lb, 55lb, 35lb Side Plank x 45s x 3 sets [15s rest] Pushups x 25,15,10 [30s rest] SA DB Row x 65lb x 10 x 3 sets
Saturday 10/09/2021 BW:182.2 – High Bar Pause Squat: 262.5x5x5 300×1 330×1 350×1 – Low Incline Bench: 195x3x8 220×1 245×1 – Dips x 20,15,15,15,10 DB Bicep x 15’s x 20,20,15,15,10 Back Raise x BW x 10 x 10
Sunday 09/26/2021 BW:181.0 – Inverted Row: BW x 10 x 10 sets Blast Strap Plank: 45s x 2; 30s x 8 Feet Up Side Plank: 45s, 40s, 35s, 30s, 30s Assault Bike LISS x 30min – 9.6 Miles
Monday 09/27/2021 BW: 181.2 – Deadlift: 315×1 350×1 375×1 280×5 x 5 sets – Bench: 245×1 265×1 212.5×3 x 8 sets – Pushups x 10 x 10 sets Plate Hammer Curl: 45x10x5; 25x10x5
Tuesday 09/28/2021 BW:182.0 – High Bar Squat: 280x5x5 325×1 350×1 375×1 – Press: 137.5x3x8 160×1 172.5×1 – Back Raise: 25lb x 12r x 6 sets – 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 15’s x 5 x 5 sets
Wednesday 09/29/2021 BW: N/A – Incline Treadmill x 45min DB Row 50 x 10 x 5 Ab Wheel x 10 x 5 Side Plank x 30s x 5 Hollow Body Hold x 30s x 5 DB Bicep 20’s x 10 x 5
Thursday 09/30/2021 BW: N/A – Pause (@ Knee) Deadlift: 255x5x5 285×1 315×1 340×1 – CG Bench: 212.5x3x8 225×1 245×1 260×1 – RFESS: BW x 10 x 5 3-Way Shoulder 10’s x 10 x 5
Friday 10/01/2021 BW:183.0 – 2ct Pause Squat: 275x4x6 315×1 350×1 – Low Incline Bench: 192.5x3x8 225×1 240×1 – Dips x 10 x 5 sets Biceps 45 x 10 x 5 sets
Sunday 09/19/2021 BW: 181.2 – Assault Bike x 30min – 10.1 Miles [5min LISS; 20/100 x 10; 5min LISS] Supinated Inverted Row x 10,10,10,8,8,8,8,8,5,5 [EMOM] Blast Strap Plank x 30s x 6 sets [30s] Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 4; Side Plank w/ Abduction x 30s x 4 sets Calf Raise x 25 x 4 sets Banded Tricep Pushdown x 25 x 4 sets
Tuesday 09/21/2021 BW:178.8 – High Bar Squat: 330×1 350×1 370×1 277.5×5 x 5 sets – Press: 155×1 170×1 135×3 x 8 sets – Back Raise: 25lb x 10 x 6 sets 3 Way Shoulder Raise: 10’s x 12 x 3 sets
Wednesday 09/22/2021 BW:180.8 – Pullups: BW x 5 x 10 sets Band Assisted (Avg) x 10 x 5 sets – Ab Wheel: Knees x 10 x 10 sets [30s rest] – Side Bend Hold x 30s x 5 sets – DB Bicep: 25’s x 20,18,15,12,10 – Assault Bike x 30min – 10.0 Miles [5min LISS; 20s/100s HIIT x 10; 5min LISS]
Thursday 09/23/2021 BW:181.2 – Pause (Below Knee) Deadlift: 285×1 315×1 335×1 250×5 x 5 sets – Close Grip Bench: 230×1 245×1 260×1 207.5×3 x 8 sets – Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: BWx10 x 10 sets – 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 5’s x 10 x 5 sets
Friday 09/24/2021 BW:181.0 – Assault Bike x 30min – 10.1 Miles [60s/60s x 15] Knee Raise x 10 x 10 sets BB Row: 100lb x 10 x 6 sets / BB Shrug: 100lb x 10 x 4 sets 45 Degree Side Bend Hold x 30s x 10 sets – JUDO x 60min
Saturday 09/25/2021 BW:181.2 – 2ct Pause Squat: 320×1 340×1 360×1 270×5 x 5 sets – Low Incline Bench: 215×1 235×1 190×3 x 8 sets – Dips: BWx10 x 10 sets DB Bicep: 15’s x 10 x 10 sets
Sunday 09/12/2021 BW:180.6 – Blast Strap Inverted Row x 10 x 10 [30s rest] Blast Strap Plank x 30s x 5 sets [30s rest] Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 5 sets [30s rest] Assault Bike x 50min LISS – 16.1 Miles
Monday 09/13/2021 BW: 181.8 – Deadlift: 365×1 275×4 x 5 sets – Bench Press: 255×1 275×1 205×3 x 8 sets – Pushups x 10 x 10 [30s rest] BB Bicep: 45 x 10 x 7 sets
Tuesday 09/14/2021 BW: 180.8 – High Bar Squat: 350×1 365×1 275×4 x 5 sets – Press: 155×1 170×1 135×3 x 8 sets – 45 Degree Back Raise: 25lb x 10 x 5 sets – 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 15’s x 8 x 4 sets
Wednesday 09/15/2021 BW:182.0 – Assault Bike x 30min – 9.9 Miles [5min LISS; 30s/90s x 10 reps; 5min LISS] Ab Wheel x 10 x 10 sets [30s] Pullups: BW x5x5; x4x5; Green Assisted x 10,10,8,7,5 45 Degree Side Bend x 10 x 5 sets DB Bicep 10’s x 10 x 10 sets [30s] Incline Treadmill x 22.5min @ 4.0mph/5% Grade
Thursday 09/16/2021 BW:181.2 – Pause (Below Knee) Deadlift: 330×1 250×4 x 5 sets – Close Grip Bench: 255×1 205×3 x 8 sets – RFESS x 10r x 5 sets 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 10’s x 12 x 5 sets
Friday 09/17/2021 BW: 182.2 – Knee Raise x10x5; x5x5 [60s rest] Single Arm DB Row: 65x10x5; x5x5 [60s rest] DB Side Bend: 55×15 x 3 sets Assault Bike x 30min LISS – 10.1 Miles
Sunday 09/05/21 BW:180.0 – Assault Bike x 50min – 16.8 Miles [LISS x 15min; 20/100 x 10; LISS x 15min] Hanging Knee Raise x 25,10,10,8,7 Single Arm DB Row: 50×25,10,10,10,10 45 Degree Side Bend: BW x 20,10,10,10,10
Monday 09/06/21 BW:179.0 – Deadlift: 380×1 405×1 350×4 x 6 sets – Bench: 255×1 275×1 235×4 x 6 sets – Low Incline Bench: 215×1 160×6 x 6 sets – Pushups x 35,10,10,10,10
Tuesday 09/07/21 BW: 179.2 – High Bar Squat: 330×1 355×1 305×4 x 6 sets – Press: 155×1 134×4 x 6 sets – Tricep Pushdowns: 50 x 10 x 3 sets
Wednesday 09/08/21 BW: 180.2 – Assault Bike x 50min – 15.3 Miles [5min Warmup; 45/75 x 5; 20/100 x 5; 10/110 x 5; LISS x15min] – Ab Wheel x 10 x 10 sets [30s rest] Pullup: BW x 3 x 10 sets [EMOM] Band Assisted (Green) Pullups x 12,12,12,8,8,8 Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 5 sets BB Bicep x 33 x 25r x 3 sets
Thursday 09/09/21 BW:182.8 – Pause Deadlift @ Just Below Knee: 325×1 245×4 x 5 sets – Close Grip Bench: 250×1 200×3 x 7 sets – RFESS x 10 x 4 sets – 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 5’s x 10r x 4 sets
Friday 09/10/21 BW:182.4 – Assault Bike x 50min – 15.4 Miles – Easy LISS x 50min Knee Raise x 15,15,10,10,5,5 Single Arm DB Row: 65 x 15,10,10,10,10 DB Side Bend: 10 reps @ 15, 35, 55, 75, 75
Saturday 09/11/21 BW:180.2 – 2ct High Bar Pause Squat: 325×1 350×1 262.5×4 x 5 sets – Low Incline Bench: 225×1 180×3 x 8 sets – BB Strict Bicep Curl: 33×5 53×5 73×5 93×5 100.5×4.5
Monday 08/30/21 BW: 181.2 – Assault Bike x 45min / 14.8 Miles Band Assisted (Green) Pullup x 15,10,8,7,5 Hanging Knee Raise x 15,10,10,5,5 45 Degree Side Bend x 15,10,10,10,15 Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 5’s x 25,15,10 – 60min JUDO
Tuesday 08/31/21 BW: 179.6 – Comp Deadlift: 365×1 405×1 325×5 x 6 sets – Comp Bench: 260×1 275×1 225×5 x 6 sets – Low Incline Bench: 185×1 215×1 150×7 x 6 sets – BB Bicep x 45 x 15 x 5 sets Pushups x 15 x 5 sets
Wednesday 09/01/21 BW: 180.2 – High Bar Squat: 325×1 355×1 285×5 x 6 sets – Press: 140×1 155×1 125×5 x 6 sets – Sumo Deadlift: 365×1 390×1 315×5 x 6 sets
Thursday 09/02/21 BW: 179.0 – Assault Bike x 45min / 15.0 Miles Hanging Knee Raise x 20, 10,10,8,7 45 Deg Side Bend x 10 x 6 sets Neutral Chinup x 5 x 10 sets [EMOM] 3-Way Shoulder Raise: 10’s x 10 x 3 sets Plank x 30s x 2 sets
Friday 09/03/21 BW: 180.0 – 1.5″ Deficit Deadlift: 350×1 375×1 260×7 x 6 sets – 1.5″ Deficit 5-0-0 RDL: 135×8 x 3 sets – Close Grip Bench: 245×1 265×1 185×7 x 6 sets – Dips x 26,10,9,8,7
Saturday 09/04/21 BW:179.6 – 2ct High Bar Squat: 325×1 350×1 245×7 x 6 sets – 1ct Slingshot Bench: 260×1 295×1 205×7 x 6 sets – Feet Up Bench: 135 x 22,11,9,8,7 – Seated DB Bicep Curl x 20’s x 15,15,10,10,8 – 3-Way Shoulder Raise x 10’s x 12,10,10
Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 BW:181.2 – Assault Bike x 45min – 14.3 miles Pullup: BW x 5 x 10 [EMOM] Banded Row x 15 reps x 5 sets Blast Strap Rollout x 10 reps x 5 sets Blast Strap Inverted LTE x 8 reps x 5 sets 45 Degree Side Bends x 12 reps x 5 sets SL Calf Raise x 12 reps x 5 sets Neck Extensions 20lb x 25,15,10
Tuesday, August 24th, 2021 BW:180.8 – High Bar Squat: 315×3 350×1 375×1 335×3,3 315×3,3 – Press: 140×3 155×1 140×3,3,3,6 – Sumo Deadlift: 350×1 385×1 340×3,3,3,3,6 – BB Bicep Curl 45 x 10 x 6 sets Pushups x 10 x 6 sets Bent Over Rear Delt 10lb’s x 10 reps x 6 sets
Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 BW: 180.4 – Assault Bike x 45min – 14.5 Miles Side Plank w/ Hip Abduction x 10 reps x 3 sets Hollow Body Hold x 30s x 3 sets Front Plank x 30s x 3 sets Side Delt Raise 10lb’s x 15 reps x 3 sets Front Delt Raise 10lb’s x 15 reps x 3 sets DB Chest Fly 15lb’s x 15 reps x 3 sets
Thursday, August 26th, 2021 BW: 179.0 – 2.25″ Deficit Deadlift: 285×5 315×1 365×1 285×5,5,5,11 – 2.25″ Tempo Deficit RDL: 175 x 6 reps x 5 sets – Close Grip Bench: 225×1 255×1 200×5,5,5,5,10 – Dips BW x 20,10,10,5,5
Friday, August 27th, 2021 BW: 179.2 – Assault Bike x 45min – 14.5 Miles Neutral Grip Chinup BW x 10 reps x 3 sets Barbell Reverse Grip Row 33 x 20 reps x 3 sets Hanging Knee Raise BW x 10 x 3 sets Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 3 sets – Judo x 60 Minutes
Saturday, August 28th, 2021 BW: 179.2 – 2ct High Bar Squat: 350×1 270 x 5 reps x 6 sets – Slingshot Bench: 295×1 230 x 5 reps x 6 sets – Tempo Feet Up Bench: 135 x 8 reps x 5 sets – DB Bicep Curl: 15lb’s x 25,20,15,10,10,10,10
Mostly top singles with a few working sets sprinkled in.
Sunday, August 8th, 2021 BW: 183.0 – Comp Deadlift: 365×1 385×1 300×5,5,5,5,12 – Comp Bench: 250×1 265×1 205×5,5,5,5,8 – Low Incline Bench: 185×1 205×1 135×7,7,7,7,16 – DB Bicep Curl: 15’s x 12 reps x 5 sets – Pushups: BW x 12 reps x 5 sets
Monday, August 9th, 2021 BW:182.6 – High Bar Squat: 345×1 365×1 285×5,5,5,5,10 – Comp Press: 135×1 155×1 125×5,5,5,5,6 – Sumo Deadlift: 350×1 365×1 285×5,5,5,5,13 – Banded Tricep Pushdowns x 25 reps x 4 sets
Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 BW: 182.0 – Assault Bike x 33’20” [10.7 Miles] – Band Assisted Pullup x 15,10,10,8,7 Single Arm DB Row: 55 x 10,10,10,8,7 Ab Wheel x 10 x 5 sets Single Leg Calf Raise x 10 x 5 sets Side Plank x 30s x 5 sets Neck Extensions: 20lb x 25,15,10
Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 BW: 181.6 – Incline Treadmill x 60min @ 3.5-3.7mph
Thursday, August 12th, 2021 BW: 180.6 – 2.25″ Deficit Deadlift: 350×1 365×1 245×7,7,7,7,14 – 1ct Close Grip Bench Press: 245×1 260×1 175×7,7,7,7,15 – 2.25″ Deficit RDL: 135×12,10,8,6,4 – 3-0-0 Tempo Dip: BW x 13,12,10,8,7
Friday, August 13th, 2021 BW: 181.0 – 2ct High Bar Pause Squat: 315×1 340×1 225×7,7,7,7,15 – 1ct Slingshot Bench: 275×1 300×1 200×7,7,7,7,14 – 1ct Feet Up Bench: 135×15,12,10,10,8 – Barbell Bicep: 35 x 20,20,15,15,10,10,10
Saturday, August 14th, 2021 BW: 180.2 – Incline Treadmill x 26.25min @ 3.5-3.7mph Assault Bike x 33.75min – 20s / 100s x 15 – 10.9 Miles – Neutral Grip Chinup x 10,8,6,4,2 DB Chest Supported Row: 45’s x 10r x 5 sets Dip Stand Knee Raise x 20,15,15,10,10 Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 2 sets; x 10s x 3 sets Calf Raise x 20 x 5 sets Neck Extensions: 20lb x 25,15,10
Sunday, August 15th, 2021 BW: 180.2 – Incline Treadmill x 52.5 minutes @ 3.7mph
Monday, August 16th, 2021 BW: 180.0 – Comp Deadlift: 365×1 395×1 330×4,4,4,10 – Comp Bench: 255×1 265×1 220×4,4,4,4,8 – Low Incline Bench: 185×1 207.5×1 150×6,6,6,6,12 – DB Bicep Curl: 15’s x 15 x 5 sets – Pushups x 15 x 5 sets
Tuesday, August 17th, 2021 BW: 180.0 – High Bar Squat: 350×1 375×1 305×4,4,4,4,8 – Comp Press: 135×1 150×1 125×4,4,4,4,8 – Sumo Deadlift: 350×1 375×1 315×4,4,4,4,10
Wednesday, August 18th, 2021 BW: 179.0 – Assault Bike x 45min [14.1 Miles] – Band Assisted Pullup x 15,12,10,10,8,5,5,5,5 Banded Single Arm Row x 10 x 5 sets Blast Strap Ab Rollout x 10 x 5 sets; x Plank x 30s x 1 Blast Strap Inverted Tricep Extension x 6 reps x 5 sets Single Leg Calf x 10 x 5 sets 45 Degree Side Bend x 10 reps x 5 sets
Thursday, August 19th, 2021 BW: 180.6 – 2.25″ Deficit Deadlift: 350×1 365×1 265×6,6,6,6,13 – Close Grip Bench Press: 225×1 260×1 190×6,7,6,6,11 – 2.25″ 3-0-0 Deficit RDL: 155 x 8 x 5 sets – 3-0-0 Tempo Dips: BW x 15,10,10,10,10
Friday, August 20th, 2021 BW: 180.8 – Incline Treadmill x 45min @ 3.5mph – Neutral Grip Chinup x 5 reps x 8 sets [EMOM] DB Chest Supported Row: 50’s x 8 reps x 5 sets [EMOM] Dip Stand Knee Raise x 10 reps x 5 sets Copenhagen Plank x 15s x 3 sets; Side Plank x 30s x 2 sets Calf Raise x 25,15,10
Saturday, August 21st, 2021 BW: 181.0 – 2ct High Bar Pause Squat: 325×1 350×1 255×6,6,6,6,12 – 1ct Slingshot Bench Press: 275×1 315×1 225×6,6,6,6,12 – 1ct Feet Up Bench Press: 155 x 15,10,9,8,8 – DB Seated Bicep Curl: 20’s x 12 x 5 sets
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 8!
Week 8 – The Program
This is the final week of the program, and it is set up just a little bit differently than the previous seven weeks. You will train only three days this week, consisting of a strength/HIIT day, a HIIT circuit or sprint day, and a LISS/Abs day. The training for each day has been adjusted to allow for the hardest training to be done earlier in the week. In addition to this, there has been a slight reduction in overall training stress (volume adjustments are in bold, as always). The combination of these two things should allow you to be in great condition for the race on Saturday!
Week 8 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 1 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 1 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 6 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20 2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15 3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15 4-Get Ups x 8 5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg 6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg 7-Rest 45-60 seconds x 5 rounds
Week 8 – Day 2: HIIT
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit: 1-Sled Push x down and back 2-Farmers Carry x down and back 3-Dips x 10 4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s 5-Tire Flip x 45s 6-Burpees x 10 7-Rest 90-120 seconds x 5 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints: Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 10 rounds
Week 8 – Day 3: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1 -Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking -Prescription – 30 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2 -Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps -Prescription – 6 minute density block
We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed the training for the SWAT Challenge. Thank you so much for choosing to take part in this great event for the community and the Evansville Police Department Foundation. Let us know what you thought of the program.
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 7!
Week 7 – The Program
Week 7 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20 2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15 3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15 4-Get Ups x 8 5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg 6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg 7-Rest 45-60 seconds x 6 rounds
Week 7 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1 -Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking -Prescription – 35 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2 -Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps -Prescription – 8 minute density block
Week 7 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Strength Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 2 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Goblet Squat x 10 2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds 3-Pushups x 15 4-Lunges x 10 each leg 5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10 6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg 7-Rest 45-60 seconds x 6 rounds
Week 7 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit: 1-Sled Push x down and back 2-Farmers Carry x down and back 3-Dips x 10 4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s 5-Tire Flip x 45s 6-Burpees x 10 7-Rest 90-120 seconds x 7 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints: Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 13 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 6 to Week 7 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week. You will notice that for the strength movements volume has decreased, and for the circuits/conditioning, volume has increased. Since we are getting closer to the challenge, the training will get more specific each week. There are also no new exercises this week.
Happy Training, Folks!
Thanks for checking out Week 7 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!