Comp Squat:
340×5 x 2 sets
385×3 x 2 sets
*These felt great. My all time best triple is 390 (in training) and my all time best single is 435 (in a meet) at a body weight of 198. I better PR my squat next week.
Comp Press:
155×2 x 3 sets
135×4 x 2 sets
95×5 x 2 sets
*Top single felt great technique wise and was super fast. My all time best single is 195 (at a body weight of 201), so an all time PR on press is unlikely. I’ll be happy if I can press 185, which would be a “skinny Dexter” PR (pressed 180 earlier in this cycle). I blame my lackluster press development on technique issues; it just hasn’t been consistent. I’m also pretty much over the press, which doesn’t help. I still have another heavy press day on Friday.
We’ll see what happens Wednesday with the deadlift. It will be my last heavy session. All time PR there is 463 at a body weight of 198. If I can make it come together I can PR that too, but honestly with how volatile my deadlift has been I’ll be happy if I can just pull more than I squat. Lol
Comp Deadlift:
340×5 x 2 sets
385×3 x 2 sets
*moved well today. I did these inside the rack because I got tired of the plates on one side bouncing off of the platform after every rep. Also, wrist wraps for some mild right wrist pain. The result of three days of SWAT training, I presume.
170×1@8-8.5….bar got forward
155×3 x 2 sets
*meh. Felt fine. Just wish I were stronger.
Comp Squat (no belt):
335×3 x 2 sets
These last few workouts remind me of back when I was doing SS programming. The heavy sets are fun, but only for a very short time. I’m glad this is my last week before the short taper. Can’t imagine doing this every week for the rest of time.
BW: 175.6
2″ Deficit Deadlift (no belt):
332.5×3 x 2 sets
*I went beltless to drop the absolute load but keep the RPE high. These were fine.
Comp Press:
180×1@10…this rep was ugly. But I needed it; I’m a little more confident now.
170×2@10…same as above
155×2 x 2 sets (no belt)…forgot my belt on the first set, but it was easy so I just left it off for the second
*Despite being high RPE (and ugly AF) these reps moved at a decent speed. Next week I just need to remind myself to “stay with the rep” and not give up on the lift at the sticking point. We will see if pushing it today compromises things next week, but I’m basically YOLO with the press at this point. Just gonna see what happens. I’m already stronger (lb for lb) in the press than I was at 198, so “relative strength” PR I guess.

Squat (no belt):
*I didn’t want to do a single set of squats today.
Ready to test and move on with my life. Peaking is just not my jam. Only training low reps three days a week, no conditioning, and no accessory work has me feeling lazy, even though the training days are brutal and I’m still walking every day. After next week I’ll have about 10 weeks until our wedding. I plan to spend all 10 weeks just messing around having fun and trying to get jacked for the beach.