As Shield is developing through its infancy stages, I wanted to give you an update of what I’m working on and what’s coming soon.
Roll Call Reports
In the police world, the start of every tour of duty begins with a briefing by supervisors to the rank and file. This briefing serves to check attendance, disseminate information about any active high profile investigations, provide updates to legal procedures or departmental policy, and allow for discussion amongst the group about any topic that may be pertinent.
In this fashion, one of the content features of the site will be periodic Roll Call Reports, which will be informal “briefings” as to the current happenings at Shield and any updates to changes in the site. I will also use the Roll Call reports as my vehicle for any off the cuff discussion, thoughts, or rants that just happen to be flowing through my mind at the time.
“The Basics” Article Series
The first series of formal content will cover the most common and general concepts in physical fitness and health. This will serve as the starting point for individuals new to exercise and will provide everyone a foundation upon which our training philosophy is built upon.
“Be on the lookout” for the first installment of this series coming soon!
Free S#%T!!!
In addition to “The Basics” article series I’m also working on some free guides/templates on training and nutrition and hope to have those out soon. Stay tuned!
New Pages
You may see some structural changes to the website as I add more content and develop my web design skills. 😉
That’s all for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Be safe.