SWAT Challenge Training Program – Week 8

It’s Race Week! Welcome back for the final week of training for 2019 EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge!

Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!

Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 8!

Week 8 – The Program

This is the final week of the program, and it is set up just a little bit differently than the previous seven weeks. You will train only three days this week, consisting of a strength/HIIT day, a HIIT circuit or sprint day, and a LISS/Abs day. The training for each day has been adjusted to allow for the hardest training to be done earlier in the week. In addition to this, there has been a slight reduction in overall training stress (volume adjustments are in bold, as always). The combination of these two things should allow you to be in great condition for the race on Saturday!

Week 8 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit

Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 1 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets

Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 1 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets

Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 6 minute density block

HIIT Circuit:
1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20
2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
4-Get Ups x 8
5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
7-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 5 rounds

Week 8 – Day 2: HIIT

HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)

HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 5 rounds


HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 10 rounds

Week 8 – Day 3: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs

Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 30 minutes @ a moderate intensity

Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 6 minute density block

We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed the training for the SWAT Challenge. Thank you so much for choosing to take part in this great event for the community and the Evansville Police Department Foundation. Let us know what you thought of the program.

Good luck this Saturday, and MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!