04/29/2020 BW:178.0 – Assault Bike: LISS x 33’20” (11.2 miles) – Dead Stop Pullup: BW x 5 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Ab Wheel: Knees x 10 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Hanging Oblique Crunch: BW x 5ea x 4 sets [30s rest] – Blast Strap Inverted Row: BW x 15 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Multi Grip Bicep Curl: 45 x 15 x 3 sets; x 10 x 3 sets [30s rest]
04/30/2020 BW:177.0 – Squat (no belt): 330×4 340×4 350×4 PR 332.5 x 4 x 3 sets – Slingshot Bench: 260×4 270×4 280×4 265×4 x 3 sets – Close Grip Incline: 130×10 135×10 140×10 132.5×10 – Calf Raise: BWx25 x 6 sets [30s rest]
04/15/2020 BW:177.2 – Assault Bike: LISS x 33’20” (11.6 Miles) – Ab Wheel: Knees x 10 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Chest Supported Row: 45’s x 10 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Banded Woodchop: Green x 25 x 4 sets [30s rest] – Barbell Bicep Curl: 53lb x 10 x 6 sets [30s rest]
04/16/2020 BW:180.0 – Squat (no belt): 325×4 335×4 345×4 325×4 x 3 sets – Slingshot Bench: 255×4 265×4 275×4 260×4 x 3 sets – Close Grip Incline Bench: 130×10 135×10 140×10 132.5×10 – Single Leg Calf Raise: BW x 15 x 6 sets [30s rest]
04/17/2020 BW:177.2 – Mid Shin Block Pull (w/ belt): 360×4 370×4 380×4 360×4 x 3 sets – Romanian Deadlift: 225×10 235×10 245×10 232.5×10 – Close Grip Bench: 215×4 222.5×4 230×4 217.5×4 x 3 sets – Banded Tricep Pushdown: Red x 50; 25 x 5 sets [30s rest] – Neck Extensions: 20 x 25,15,10 [30s rest] – I did the RDL’s after the block pulls (instead of after benching) because the bar was already loaded and I didn’t want to change shoes twice. Laziness all around. Lol
04/18/2020 BW:177.2 – Assault Bike: LISS x 33’20” (11.5 miles) – Hanging Leg Raise: BW x 5 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Dead Stop Chin Up: BW x 5 x 6 sets [30s rest] – Dumbbell Row: 50s x 10 x 3 sets; x 8 x 3 sets [30s rest] – Dumbbell Bicep Curl: 25’s x 8 x 6 sets [30s rest]
04/01/2020 BW:175.6 – Assault Bike: 30 minutes – 10.1 miles HIIT x 20s sprint / 100s recovery ride x 5 reps; 15s sprint / 105s recovery ride x 5 reps LISS x 10min – Ab Wheel: Knees x 25,15,10 – Calf Raise: BW x 35 x 3 sets – Barbell Bicep Curl: 35 x 25,15,10 – Neck Extensions: 20 x 25,15,10
04/02/2020 BW:176.4 – 5-3-0 Squat (no belt): 225 x 5 x 4 sets – Close Grip Incline Bench: 155×1 175×1 190×1 200×1 215×1 – Dips: BW x 15 x 3 sets
04/03/2020 BW:175.4 – Trap Bar Deadlift (High Handle): Up to 375×5 – Multi Grip Bench: Up to 185×8 – Multi Grip Bicep Curl: 45×25,15,10
04/04/2020 BW:176.2 – Assault Bike: LISS x 30min [10.7 miles] – Circuit: Toe to Bar x 8 reps 45lb Bicep Curl x 12 reps Calf Raise x 25 reps 45 Degree Back Raise x 20 reps 60s rest 4 rounds – Neck Extensions: 15lb x 50 reps x 1 set
Welcome back for Week 2 of the SWAT Challenge Training Program!
If you’re just now joining us, or if you’d like a refresher on the specifics of the challenge, video demonstrations of the exercises up to this point, or answers to some common questions, check out our first post HERE.
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 2!
Week 2 – The Program
Week 2 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 3 working sets of 8 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 3 working sets of 8 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 5 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15 2-Dumbbell Thruster x 15 3-Get Ups x 8 4-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg 5-Rest 45-60 seconds x 3 rounds
Week 2 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1 -Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking -Prescription – 20 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2 -Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps -Prescription – 5 minute density block
Week 2 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Strength Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 3 working sets of 8 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 3 working sets of 8 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 5 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds 2-Pushups x 15 3-Lunges x 10 each leg 4-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg 5-Rest 45-60 seconds x 3 rounds
Week 2 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit: 1-Sled Push x down and back 2-Farmers Carry x down and back 3-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s 4-Tire Flip x 45s 5-Burpees x 10 6-Rest 90-120 seconds x 4 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints: Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 8 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 1 to Week 2 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as Week 1. You will see that we’ve added just a little bit of training stress to each day of training. This trend will continue each week; we will modify the program just enough to keep things progressing (and keep you interested), but not so much that it’s impossible to objectively measure progress or that it leaves you confused every week. Your confidence with the program will increase weekly as your performance does, as you will become more familiar with the training. This is on purpose! 🙂
Exercise Demonstrations
Follow the links below for a video demonstration of each new exercise. See previous posts for demonstrations of the other exercises.
Thanks for checking out Week 2 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 6!
Week 6 – The Program
Week 6 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Medicine Ball Squat Jump x 20 2-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15 3-Dumbbell Thruster x 15 4-Get Ups x 8 5-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg 6-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg 7-Rest 45-60 seconds x 5 rounds
Week 6 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1 -Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking -Prescription – 30 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2 -Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps -Prescription – 8 minute density block
Week 6 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Strength Exercise #1 – -Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat – -Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 – -Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press -Prescription – 3 working sets of 6 repetitions @ 2RIR -Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 – -Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine -Prescription – 8 minute density block
HIIT Circuit: 1-Goblet Squat x 10 2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds 3-Pushups x 15 4-Lunges x 10 each leg 5-Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press x 10 6-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg 7-Rest 45-60 seconds x 5 rounds
Week 6 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit: 1-Sled Push x down and back 2-Farmers Carry x down and back 3-Dips x 10 4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s 5-Tire Flip x 45s 6-Burpees x 10 7-Rest 90-120 seconds x 6 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints: Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 12 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 5 to Week 6 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week. You will notice that for the strength movements volume has decreased, and for the circuits/conditioning, volume has increased. Since we are getting closer to the challenge, the training will get more specific each week. There are also no new exercises this week.
Happy Training, Folks!
Thanks for checking out Week 6 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and we will see you next week!
Are you looking for a simple, easy exercise program to start with?
Are you very deconditioned and undertrained and need an exercise program with a low barrier to entry?
Can you walk?
Do you like free stuff?
Prospect is our exercise program for the absolute beginner with little to no experience doing ANY kind of a formal exercise program, and is best suited for those who are completely deconditioned and undertrained (read: “out of shape”), or for those who are completely clueless on where to begin and want something simple and easy to start with.
Prospect is a DAILY exercise program designed to transition someone from a sedentary lifestyle to one of regular physical activity. Developed from the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans released by The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this program will gradually progress an individual from zero daily physical activity to above and beyond the current recommended levels of activity to improve and promote health.
Prospect is a 22 page PDF that contains a brief summary of the benefits of regular physical activity, the physical activity guidelines for Americans, a program overview explaining the nuts and bolts of the program, and an easy to follow weekly training schedule for all 12 weeks.