Welcome back for Week 3 of the EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge Training Program!
Click HERE to sign up for the Challenge!
Follow the links below to check out our previous posts in this series: Week 1
Week 2
Otherwise, let’s get right to the programming for Week 3!
Week 3 – The Program
Week 3 – Day 1: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Dumbbell RDL + Dumbbell Row x 15
2-Dumbbell Thruster x 15
3-Get Ups x 8
4-Bicycle Abs x 15 each leg
5-Dumbbell Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
6-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 3 – Day 2: Low Intensity Steady State Cardio + Abs
Exercise #1
-Running OR Cycling OR Rowing OR Incline Walking
-Prescription – 25 minutes @ a moderate intensity
Exercise #2
-Ab Wheel OR Front Plank OR Hanging Knee Raise OR Situps
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
Week 3 – Day 3: Strength and HIIT Circuit
Exercise #1 –
-Trap Bar Deadlift OR Barbell Sumo Deadlift OR Barbell Conventional Deadlift OR Dumbbell Sumo Squat –
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #2 –
-Standing Barbell Shoulder Press OR Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-Prescription – 4 working sets of 7 repetitions @ 2RIR
-Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Exercise #3 –
-Chinups (palms facing you) OR Pullups (palms facing away from you) OR Lat Pulldown Machine
-Prescription – 6 minute density block
HIIT Circuit:
1-Goblet Squat x 10
2-Jumping Jacks x 45 seconds
3-Pushups x 15
4-Lunges x 10 each leg
5-Mountain Climber x 20 each leg
6-Rest 45-60 seconds
x 3 rounds
Week 3 – Day 4: Bonus Day
HIIT Circuit OR HIIT Cardio Sprints (pick one)
HIIT Circuit:
1-Sled Push x down and back
2-Farmers Carry x down and back
3-Dips x 10
4-Deep Squat Battling Rope (Alternating) x 30s
5-Tire Flip x 45s
6-Burpees x 10
7-Rest 90-120 seconds
x 4 rounds
HIIT Cardio Sprints:
Exercise #1: Incline Running Sprints OR Cycling Sprints OR Rowing Sprints OR Flat Running Sprints
Prescription: 30 seconds sprint / 90 seconds rest x 9 rounds
Important Information
The updates, additions, and/or changes from Week 2 to Week 3 are found in bold. Particulars that are not in bold are the exact same prescription as last week.
Exercise Demonstrations
Follow the links below for a video demonstration of each new exercise. See previous posts for demonstrations of the other exercises.
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
Goblet Squat
Happy Training, Folks!