It’s that time of year again!
Each year in the spring, the Evansville Police Department Foundation hosts the SWAT Challenge. The SWAT Challenge is the area’s only urban 5k obstacle course. The SWAT Challenge is open to anyone, any age, who is up for a challenge. This year, the SWAT Challenge will be held on May 2nd, 2020. Check out the links above to learn more and/or register!

The SWAT Challenge would not be possible without the support of those who choose to take part in this grueling but fun event. As a thank you to all of you who plan on taking part in this year’s SWAT Challenge, Shield Training Systems is, ONCE AGAIN, providing a FREE 8-Week SWAT Challenge Training Program to help you prepare for the event.
The SWAT Challenge Training Program will consist of 3-4 workouts per week and will include aerobic conditioning, strength training, and high intensity interval training. This program is designed specifically to help you perform your best on May 4th.
Here’s how it will work:
-Every week, starting March 8th and ending the week of the Challenge, we will post all of the workouts for the week on our website.
-You can find each post on the main page, or by directly going to the “2020 EPD SWAT Challenge” category under “Programs”.
-In addition to the weekly workouts, each post will also provide content explaining the “why’s” and “how’s” related to the training.
-You can contact us anytime with questions about the training by sending us an email or by simply posting a question in the comment section of each weekly post.

All you have to do to take advantage of this free program is check the website each Monday and put in the work throughout the week!
Thank you again for your support of the EPD Foundation and the EPD SWAT Team, and we will see you on May 2nd!
Have a question? Let us know in the comments.